How to Contact Facebook Through Email and Phone ?
There are a lot of unlike ways to contact a company. You can call their offices or their employees right, you can email anyone who works there or any of the official email addresses, you can send a letter to their home base or any of their branch offices, you can get a emissary to delivery a meaning in person, you can text certain numbers, and extra. Companies like Facebook, for example, only have so much to do at any given time that it’d be incredible for them to answer every query. Heck, it’s simple mathematics. Facebook has an spectators of over 1.6 billion monthly active users. Even if .1% of those users send in one ticket per month, that’s still 1,600,000 tickets per month. If every single one of them were keen to customer service, that would still be 4 tickets per employee per day, every day of every month, with weekends. Credibly, not even a quarter of Facebook’s staff is customer support , and of those who are, many are keen to specific geographic regions...